Be Prepared

Over the past two years, I’ve learned to be prepared in life. Personally being prepared is so important to relieve anxious feelings and worries.

Not having our ducks in a row will most definitely cause stress. Living in the present moment is vital. Staying in the moment by not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future is a great way to live. But becoming prepared for life’s unexpected events is crucial.

Life Happens on Life’s Terms

My last business was in life insurance. My success in that career was due to how I sold insurance. When people asked me, “What do you do?” instead of saying, “I sell life insurance,” I would say, “I prepare people for unexpected life events.” That always got their attention. No one wants to think about unexpected life events or death. Unfortunately, they are guaranteed to happen at some point. We are born, and we die. We can be prepared for when this happens. 

This unfortunate pandemic hit a lot of small business owners, working parents, and the entertainment business as well as millions of people who unfortunately never prepared for this unexpected life event. With everything shutting down, people losing loved ones, losing their family business, getting sick, losing jobs—the list goes on—my heart truly felt what not being prepared is like. Even I, who pride myself on being prepared and very organized, felt lost. My business took a hit as well. 

My friend Frankie MacDonald from Sydney, Nova Scotia, wrote a book called Be Prepared! Frankie is a guest host on a show I am cohosting called Roger the Wild Child. On the show, he tells us the weather, but he also talks about hurricanes, typhoons, and earthquakes. He has made it his life mission to learn all about the weather and natural disasters. We cannot live in fear. Life happens on life’s terms. We can accept that this beautiful planet will throw us a curve ball once in a while, and usually when we least expect it. 

Take Charge of Your Destiny

Doing the next right thing is how I live today. I have worked to prepare as much as possible. I accept that we cannot control the weather or earthquakes. Living in Southern California, I have experienced quite a few quakes. Yes, the question “Is this the big one?” goes through my mind every time. Luckily in my fifty-eight years, it has not happened yet! 

Spend some time this week looking at your pie (I discussed this in my blog post entitled “All about Pie”). Look at your pie and see where you can be more prepared. For me, this pandemic was an opportunity to grow and not take everything for granted. A year without travel has completely changed the course of my life. We can find the good in every bad situation. You have been with me now for almost a year on my blog-writing journey. And you are well aware of some of the events I have been through. Blessings reside in every one of them. Stories can change anytime anywhere! Be the author of your story. Seize every opportunity.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: “She ‘hoped for the best, was prepared for the worst, so anything in between didn’t come as a surprise.’”

Take the First Steps

In life, we prepare and hope for the best. Steps must be taken to do this. The relief that being prepared brings is beautiful, even though the unexpected events are not fun to think about. Get homeowner’s insurance, disaster insurance, and life insurance. I am always surprised when folks do not think of it as a necessity. It is! Look at September 11, 2001—who knew that would happen? Too many families lost a loved one and provider that day. In some of the interviews I heard, the victims said, “I wish we had insurance.” The subject is difficult indeed. Let’s not be afraid to discuss tragedy and death. Let us prepare for it. 

As I write this blog post, I’m sending much relief and healing to you all. This subject definitely brings up my triggers as well. Unknown events are going to happen. We are responsible, to ourselves and our loved ones, to do the best we can to lessen the blow. Get some relief this week. Go through your stuff and ask yourself, Am I prepared?

As Ram Dass says, “We’re all just walking each other home.”

Be Prepared - Deborah Driggs

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