Creating Rituals – My Writing Process

Creating rituals has been the most beneficial element to my writing process. I recently joined Gabby Bernstein’s class. Wow! I have been writing and working on my book for a year, and within two weeks, I had a new perspective and completely changed the direction of my book. I needed to be redirected, and now I am just enjoying the process and learning along the way. Thank you, Gabby!

One beneficial action I took in this process was creating rituals. I thought I was doing this in my life: I have my morning routine. I wake up between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m. and put on meditation or classical music. I choose an intention for my day. I get my cup of tea, take my probiotic, and do a light stretch. Then, and only then, my day begins.

Deb's Den Create Rituals

Creating Rituals – Deb’s Den 

To take my process to the next level, I decided to make further rituals throughout my day as I was starting to become aware of gaps throughout my day. Now, I take time to do one of a few activities from my vision board: I sit in silence; I pray; I ask for guidance; I write another gratitude list; and I set aside time in “Deb’s Den,” where everyone knows not to disturb me. Here I take time to journal, write, riff, complain or rage on paper, or just have one hour alone to process.

Men have “man caves.” Well, I created “Deb’s Den,” and that is why I called my blog Deb’s Den because it is the result of my sacred time. Creating rituals is super important to me as I can get easily triggered. Since becoming aware of that, I can say, “Wait, this feels like a trigger. I am getting anxious or tired, and I need my den!”

My mind, brain, consciousness, or whatever you want to call it knows intuitively that when I say I am going into my den, I am safe and need to create, rejuvenate, or just rest. I am so much more efficient when I am there as I am not struggling to cross any finish line. There is no endpoint anymore in my world. Now it’s a process.

The Right Path

I am finding that the more I stay on this path and continue with these rituals and not allow anything to sidetrack or derail me off my purpose, the more the opportunities show up. That is such a gift.

I am so aware of what a gift it is. I am filled with a creative process and so much gratitude. The whole purpose is to help someone who is struggling. If someone is reading this and struggling, you’re my people.

Create Rituals Deborah Driggs

Creating Rituals – Enjoy The Process

I struggled for years to get to here. I was so down that all I could think about was ending my life. I wasn’t creating, or worse, I was not being of service to anyone. This journey was not easy. I get it. Keeping rituals, eating healthy, getting enough exercise and sleep, building a good relationship with a partner (either business or personal)—it all can seem so overwhelming at times.

I would suggest you take time and set a ritual that is right for you. Get up at the same time every day and meditate, read thirty pages of something that inspires you, journal for fifteen minutes, walk for forty-five minutes, or just sit in silence. Choose one today to start the process, and if that feels easy, choose one more.

Please do not try and change everything. In my experience, that is when I shut down. I change minor things, and those little changes after three years have turned into more and more moments of clarity!

Enjoy the process, and create a ritual.

Deborah Driggs

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