I experience lots of moments where it feels like air is filling me up and I took a happy pill. I feel safe and everything is amazing. No, I am not on drugs! It is called “getting a glimpse.”

What Is This Feeling?

I think we all experience this feeling, and I love when it happens. This feeling is distinctive. It actually does feel like I took a happy pill. It doesn’t feel like how I feel after taking a hike or watching a beautiful sunset. It is quite different. It is a moment where everything in my body is aligned and I feel different for a short period of time. I can explain this only as the feeling you get when you get the chills or you realize you’re not taking a breath of air and you kind of forgot to breathe. It is the in-between, a feeling of certainty on steroids.

How To Get A Glimpse?

I totally get why I love doing yoga and meditation and just sitting in silence. I am chasing this feeling that I experience when I least expect it. I get that glimpse where nothing—and I mean nothing—bothers me. I just feel in sync. It is such an amazing feeling that I decided to write about it because I am curious if anyone else gets this sporadic feeling.

I meditate a lot and sit in quiet, and I get outdoors and hike in nature. But this feeling is like a glimpse of ecstasy where my body and mind are totally in sync with each other. What makes it so interesting is that I did nothing (that I can think of) to achieve this amazing feeling.

Getting a Glimpse

While I get an amazing high from meditation or holotropic breathing work, this glimpse is like nothing else and it is so random! Maybe it is God, the Universe, or whatever you want to call it reaching out to say, “You are okay.” Or maybe my body got way too much oxygen. I have stopped trying to figure it out. I just love when it happens.

When Do You Get This Feeling?

I notice from reading my journal that I have written about this feeling before. Does anyone else have an explanation for it? I would love to know how you describe it. I doubt that I am the only one experiencing this. Maybe I just expect this feeling to happen after doing yoga or hiking, when it seems appropriate and an obvious type of reaction, but this feeling happens randomly.

It is super cool. If I could bottle it and sell it, I would. I’d call it Getting a Glimpse. I see it as a sign that anything is possible. That’s my interpretation of it: anything is possible. I relate this feeling to being on purpose and listening to my intuition. When everything is going in that direction, it is as if I get that glimpse or sign that, yes, everything is exactly how it is supposed to be, that nothing in my story in this glimpsed moment needs to be changed. How cool is that?

What Getting A Glimpse Feel Like?

Getting a glimpse for me is kind of like déjà vu, that moment where you feel like whatever you’re doing has already happened. The glimpse moment is slightly different though. I do not feel as if it has happened before; it strikes me as a different sensation. Déjà vu, on the other hand, hits me all the time, where I feel like my experience has already happened, and then I have to process whether it did or not.

Getting a Glimpse

I have never done ayahuasca or used any drugs or plants in ceremonies to alter my conscious state or go on a journey. However, I have been invited lately to a “plant ceremony” but am not sure it is for me.

In the meantime, I will keep on my path and look forward to my next glimpse!

Write and tell me if you have had this experience. I am eager to hear what yours is like.

Deborah Driggs

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