Sitting Poolside

I am sitting poolside at my favorite spot in the desert called We Care Spa. We Care is a ritual I will not give up. It is nonnegotiable—I must have it in my life! You might be asking why my favorite place is one that doesn’t serve food, forbids cell phones in all areas except your room, and involves painful detoxing. 

Dare to Detox

I have been coming to We Care for years, since 2006 to be exact. I have spent many hours sitting poolside and talking to different people from around the world. This place tends to attract more women than men. Conversations about everything happen there, including how someone’s colonic went. I have met some amazing women and even booked my next visit to coincide with theirs. That kind of place is hard to find these days. 

Are you still wondering why I go there once a year? We Care is the perfect place to detox, rejuvenate, and balance your natural chemicals. It offers antiaging practices, cell rejuvenation, yoga, and most importantly a mental detox. I have come here in many emotional states. Sometimes I just stay in my room and read, and other times I feel social and want to sit poolside. Deep conversations take place here because everyone is detoxing, so no one feels the need to judge—that addictive pastime. Authentic conversations take place about everything.

The Necessity of Caves

Everyone should have a place to revisit that has a mind, body, and spirit connection, a place to completely disconnect from the world and see new perspectives. In previous blog posts, I talked about men having man caves, which I think are great. This place has become my feminine cave to get back to my authentic place and cleanse the energy around me. 

I love that men have places they go where only men are allowed. I was involved in a group chat where one of the women took offense and thought this practice was discrimination because she wanted to join a club that was only for men. I thought long and hard about it. Men should have and need a place to be with other men. Men need this as a necessity too! Ladies, we should let men have men’s clubs. I love going on my girls’ spa trips, yoga classes, or hiking adventures. I would never expect my man to join me on a yoga trip with women! Spaces for both feminine and masculine energy are healthy. 

Women sometimes struggle to talk about certain topics when men are around, and the same is true for men. Women, due to our feminine energy, like to gab a lot, and so do men. I say to all the men and women out there, find a place to release that energy in a healthy way. You need to release it. Every time I come to my place in the desert, I am reminded of this importance. 

Sitting poolside enjoying my electrolyte snow cone and having my chlorophyll shot, I would not want to be anywhere else at this moment. I am giving my body the wellness it deserves. Give yourself a gift today and do something mentally, physically, and emotionally beneficial for your well-being.

Deborah Driggs

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