Invest in Yourself

There is no better investment than investing in yourself—and that includes your education, growth, well-being, mindfulness, holistic health, wellness, spirituality, and the list goes on. Why is it important to invest in yourself? Because when your tank is full, you have a lot more to give. Doing the things you love (that are healthy) will attract just that.

When you fine-tune your life and invest in yourself, your relationships will bring about the highest return. We should exercise not just our bodies but also our minds. When we connect to our own mind, body, and spirit, we become more aware and have the clarity to make better decisions. Our skills become sharp in every area of our lives. We are unstoppable.

Investing in Yourself Isn’t Selfish

Some people think that working on ourselves and investing time toward our own growth, learning, and well-being is selfish. This idea is wrong! Doing this for ourselves is a beautiful gift.

As a mom, I ran around for years doing a lot for my kids’ well-being, but I wasn’t filling my tank. In other words, I wasn’t putting the oxygen mask on myself before attending to theirs. What do airlines tell you every time you fly? Before putting the oxygen mask on others, put one on yourself first! Why? You can’t help anyone if you are not well. When you are scattered, confused, frustrated, or angry, how can you be of service to anyone?

I remember the days that were packed with getting my kids to school, trying to get all my errands and work done before pickup, then trying to get dinner ready and make sure homework got finished by a respectable time before sleep—only to wake up and do it all over again! I was your typical burned-out mom. I was constantly tired and frustrated. I had no time to read a book, let alone even think about self-help or investing in myself. I was busy investing in the lives of my kids. The problem was that my tank was empty!

I know how hard taking time for ourselves can be, especially when we have kids and jobs and other responsibilities. I get it. I was on that hamster wheel, thinking, “Is this it? This is my life?” When weekends came around, I was exhausted, but that time had to be used to catch up and prepare for the next week. Plus let’s not forget my kids had their own lives: playdates, sleepovers, birthday parties, soccer practice, and all the other errands for school we had to run. That meant I was a chauffeur, driving myself and my three kids around, often having to go in four separate directions.

Invest in Finding Your North

I absolutely love being a mom. But there were days when I just wanted to slip into a bubbly bath and stay there all day. I wasn’t investing anything in me. I wasn’t reading, growing, or learning. I believe that we should never stop learning. But during those two years, I had stopped. I lost my compass. I forgot where north was. Being this lost can cause a breakdown in the form of angrily lashing out, resenting or fighting others, or losing sight of your loved ones.

If you find yourself in this situation where you feel stuck, angry, or frustrated, it might be time for a reboot. Prioritize time to work out, even if it is just for thirty minutes a day. Read a book for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Turn off the television—that just adds to the chaos. Get outside as much as possible.

Looking back, I realize I could have used my time better as a mom. For example, when the kids were at soccer practice, instead of talking with the other parents—in which we’d all complain about everything I mentioned above—I could have taken a thirty-minute walk outside and listened to an inspiring book. We attract the energy we put out. We can add in daily self-care practices in lots of different ways, even with a busy schedule. We just have to prioritize it.

When you invest in yourself, you are also investing in the people you love. Everyone around you will feel the energy shift. When you feel light and are in a good headspace, the chances are your kids will be too. Get out your calendars and find those gaps in your schedule. Where can you fit in some me-time? Do it now! Schedule your me-time like you would any other activity, event, or chore. Your family will thank you.

Ask for Help When Investing in Yourself

Here’s another thing when it comes to investing in yourself: ask for help. If you need a weekend to take care of yourself, ask for help. See if your friends or relatives will take the kids for part of (or all of!) the weekend. You need time to organize your thoughts and practice self-care.

Make sure to use that break wisely. Take walks, do yoga, cook your favorite meal, go see an inspiring movie, read a book, take a bath with Epsom salts and essential oils, listen to inspiring podcasts, and gain a new perspective.

You can even sharpen your parenting skills by reading the latest parenting book. Two of my favorite books were The Blessing of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel and What Do You Really Want for Your Children? by Wayne Dyer.

As they say, parenting is the hardest job in the world. We so desperately want to get it right. To get the best results, make sure your emotional home is in shape. We cannot solve anything when we have not mastered our own emotions. It is a setup for disaster!

It is not selfish to invest in yourself. The good news you can start today! Give yourself and your family and friends the gift of prioritizing yourself.

Deborah Driggs

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