This is my thirtieth blog post—wow! I remember when I was not even going to write one. It is amazing what we can do when we get out of our heads and into our hearts. One thing I have learned from creating and writing this blog is the importance of staying true

Finding And Staying True

This whole process for me has been about connecting to my heart and staying true to my purpose. My goal was to write about topics I had resentments about, wanted a clearer understanding of, needed to recover from or wanted to get honest with myself about, such as my struggles and character defects. 

The best part about this journey and writing a weekly blog is connecting with all of you on a level of growth and learning. Hopefully, when people read my blog posts, they can learn from the mistakes I have made or the struggles I have had. 

Stay True Deb's Den

Has Deb’s Den Helped You?

Hopefully, my blog has inspired you to change a thing or two on your own journey. I think of my weekly blog as an affirmation card. I pulled it for you and wrote about it. When you tune in once a week and read the latest post, maybe it is just the thing you need to think about. Maybe you carry this post throughout your week. My weekly posts are a gift to you—short and sweet, not too much reading, just enough to start the week with a new perspective. Some topics were repetitive, but I find that there are so many ways to look at lots of topics. Something different could hit me a week later, and then I want to write about that perspective too. 

Deb’s Den has been my journal that I share with you. Thirty weeks of writing is more than I thought I would do. I thought I would write twenty posts and then just put them on repeat. Then something happened. I began to fall in love with writing, and through this process, I began to heal my heart and soul. You have given me this gift just by being on this journey with me. I feel more connected than ever. 

Digging To Stay True

I have enjoyed digging deep into areas that in the past I did not want to look at. And for the first time in a very long time, I have felt more connected to myself. 

I just appeared as a guest on The Loren Lahav Live Podcast, and it is what inspired today’s blog post. She asked me, “What is the one thing you do everyday to stay true to yourself?” I answered that I pick an affirmation card and then try to use it throughout my day with intention. That is how I feel about this blog. This blog is something to read and use throughout the week as an intention. If you already have a practice, amazing! If you do not, then please use my blog as a weekly intention. I invite you to open your mind to all the possibilities and changes that might occur—if you are open to it. 

Staying true to myself has been a bumpy road for me. I have been derailed by a lot of temptation or opportunities that really didn’t align with my true self. What great lessons those all turned out to be! I have learned so much—sometimes in the absolute hardest way possible—but those lessons have brought me to my true self. I will forever be grateful. 

Stay True

My Journey Continues

I am on a continuous journey of growth. Some days are harder than others. But that is life and learning how to embrace it all is the real growth. There is grace with that. I want to learn and explore so much more. 

Stay true today and maybe this week to who you are and who you want to become. That is an incredible intention with so many opportunities for self-realization! And remember, it is progress, not perfection. If it doesn’t work out today, try again tomorrow. Most importantly, stay true to you!

Deborah Driggs


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